DownLOADS Okay, so you're just itchin' to try VäporOS...what to do?
Well, not much, really; but we do have these tacky add-on for your Mac so you can at least pretend you're getting that Väpor experience...
ScreenshotJörgen 1.5
The newest version of Jörgen has not only Kaleidoscope 1.5 compatability, but has lots of cool new features!
For a vague VäporOS experience, plop this extension into your system folder.Väpor StartupScreen
Now you don't have to look at Apple's creaky old logo everyday; look at our creaky old logo!VäporBAR
First, check out Adam Hinkley's internet file/chat/messaging client Hotline. When you've experienced its coolness, download this neato custom toolbar!