Macarazzi! Old News


October 14 1997
11:43 AM, EST

"It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under..."

The Big Glib Newton...
According to the increasingly moot Mac the Knife, Apple will be putting forth a kick-ass Newton MessagePad 2100, featuring sooper hi-res active matrix color screen and a 200mhz version of the StrongARM chip. Due by the end of the year, it is unclear exactly *who* will be selling the ÜberPad, as the Newton division seems to change hands faster than a 15-year old's johnson during a Baywatch marathon.

In an on-going feature, Macarazzi is reporting on Steve Job's daily activities on a Hawaiian beach while he contemplates a decision to become the official CEO of Apple Computer.

Today was very productive for the vagabond Mr. Jobs. He helped a little girl build a sandcastle (ok, actually he started to help, but forced the girl off the development team, who then went crying to her mother). Further down the beach, he stood at water's edge, and was entranced as the surf sunk his feet into the wet sand. A seagull flew overhead, but was not interested in anything happening on the ground.

October 13 1997
11:36 AM, EST

"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy..."

Golden masters fill your eyes...
Apple announced with paranoid bravado the release of Rhapsody dr1 to developers. Before you rush out to install this puppy when you get it from the pirate boards over that cable modem that your parents are paying for even though they don't know it because you told them it was for school research projects which you said would get you into college and off the streets like they hoped but who are we kidding your just a warez-hound anyway, keep in mind that it only runs on 8x00 and 9x00 series computers and it's nowhere near what the final product will behave, look or feel like.

In an on-going feature, Macarazzi will report on Steve Job's daily activities on a Hawaiian beach while he contemplates a decision to become the official CEO of Apple Computer.

Today, Steve found one of those long, stringy seaweed things with the bumps all over it. He played with it for a few minutes, and threw it back into the surf. A small boy ran by with wet sand falling out of his bathing suit.

September 29 1997
12:20 PM, EST

"It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity. Or remorse. And it will not stop until you are DEAD".

To Indignity...and Beyond!
Ok, if you're reading this web site, then it goes without saying that your a Mac geek who watched Toy Story last nite just for the Apple "Think Different" ad.

The Macarazzi crew gathered around a 30" Toshiba with cold beers and Cheesy Poofs for the big event. The ad was annoyingly interrupted by Michael Eisner's Disney commercial "Toy Story", but other than that a great time was had by all.

Overall we dug the spot; getting Richard Dreyfuss to narrate must have cost Apple big bucks; what, was George Cloony busy? And hell, any ad that features both John Lennon *and* Jim Henson kicks ass in our book. What did you think? Let us know!



September 26 1997
10:53 AM, EST

"Hey, I didn't know she was 12, I swear, Mrs. Lidell!"
- Lewis Carroll

The Think Pad?
Yahoo has a story confirming that the theme for Apple's new ad campaign (see yesterday's scuttlebut) will be "Think Different". Well, Macarazzi has uncovered a few of slogans that were eventually turned down...

"Think Different...We're Screwed Otherwise"

"Think Apple. Think Different. are getting will buy Apple products...think...think..."

"Think Different...You Have No Other Choice"


September 23 1997
11:33 PM, EST

Once again Dr. Jones, there is nothing which you possess that I cannot take away.


Former Apple Senior Vice President of World Wide Developer Relations Heidi Roizen resigned from the company in February, supposedly to spend more time raising her family...well it seems her kids have grown up fast. Roizen has joined the board of directors of Be, Inc.

It is our completely uninformed opinion that Roizen's appointment to Be was a mastermind ploy by, who else, Steve Jobs. In a "James T. Kirk meets the cloud thingie-like" obsessive path of non-Microsoft domination, Jobs had Roizen planted at Be, where her sole purpose is to destroy the sassy upstart company before it can deliver a Rhapsody-killing BeOS. How she will accomplish this is outlined in a series of astonishing internal memos that will no doubt crop up at Macarazzi as soon as our crack-team of Macarazzo can find a cool font to use.

Jobs Be Roizen Hell!
The following note was found by a faithful Macarazzo, a Power Computing customer, who stumbled across it while opening his letter sent by Jobs:

From: Steve Jobs
To: Heidi Roizen
Subject: Not to Be

Hey there darlin'

How are things over at the Be board? Let me know if they have an cool technology we could use over here ok?

Check this out, I sent out a letter today to all those Power Computing customers we bought (heheh, if you can't beat them, buy them) and gave them a big long lecture on how much I love them... and then at the end of the letter I tried to sell them Mac OS 8 (at a bargain price of course).

So anyway, to the main point, Rhapsody needs to kick major every-other-OS ass and right now I'm really worried about Be. I got that free CD with MacTech and I've been playing the flight simulator ever since. I can't help but compulsively spin the BeOS logo around on my Mac all day long. It makes me cry. What should I do? Help me stop Be!

You free friday?


P.S. I've got a couple more million copies of OS 8 for $9.95 if you want one.


But Did He Fall Down On His Knees?
According to Macintouch, Steve Jobs fired off a letter to former customers of Power Computing, welcoming them "back to the family,"

Well as usual, the Macarazzi have uncovered a previous version of that letter that Jobs had discarded. The following is an exerpt:

As you know, Apple Computer is at a crossroads. The re-acquirement of Power Computing's Mac OS license was a major first step in the approach to that crossroads. Our next step will be to determine the traffic patterns in the crossroads, and speed up or slow down accordingly so as to avoid accidents. If there is a stop sign at the crossroads, we will kinda blur our vision and pretend we didn't see it. If there's a traffic light, well we can say we're color blind.

Hopefully we'll make it through the intersection without any horribly disfiguring accidents, but you never know. Anyway, welcome back to Apple. Your warrantees are good for another year or so. We think.

September 22 1997
4:10 PM, EST

I'm wet and I'm cold, but thank god I ain't old!


Rhap it Up
After the url to the release notes to DR1 of Rhapsody had appeared at basically all Mac info sites, Apple cops pulled it from their servers. Of course, by the time Steve & Co. learned this, thousands of 11th graders across the country had already printed the release notes out on their school's Laserwriters.

Wire Me Baby
IBM has announced they will begin manufacturing computer chips with copper instead of aluminum wiring. To offset this cost of this retooling, insiders have told the Macarazzi that the electrical wiring in IBM's offices will be switched from copper to aluminum.

Aw C'mon, the Kids Are Alright....
The "Software Protection Authority" has recently made itself known to users of the creepily popular Hotline software, our ever-diligent Macarazzi have discovered. This mysterious government agency reportedly uses a modified "GameBoy" gaming device, known as "GeoBoy" to track illicit Hotline servers.

Hotline servers have become a haven for software pirates, music pirates, child pornographers and Frank Zappa fans. This new government crackdown will begin with "Tracking and Interception... 48 hours from the release of this notification" according to an Agency report. There is no doubt that the SPA will usher in a new era of government control on the internet. While many acknowledge the power and authority of our new informational overlords, there are some skeptics among us.

Insiders scoffed at one reader's suggestion that the SPA was invented by a confused teenager who meant to intimidate his peers with a threat from the Software Publishers' Association for the purpose of, "speeding his download of Quake, or something."

A full copy of the statement follows:

* A * T * T * E * N * T * I * O * N*

US Federal law requires the notification of intent to implement new communications tracking or interception tools 48 hours before use.

This automated ATTENTION notice is to advise Hotline users of our intention to use Geoboy TCP/IP interception tracking to locate servers that are hosting unregistered and/or unlicensed software.

The owners of Servers and Internet Service Providers will be prosecuted accordingly where the offending material is geographically located within the United States and/or Canada.

It is also our intention to track repeat offending clients.

Tracking and Interception will begin 48 hours from the release of this notification.

Software Protection Authority 21 September 1997



September 19 1997
9:08 PM, EST

Answer hazy, try again later


 History, 3rd Revision
Macarazzo initiate Kevin K. informs us,

"I've noticed a processor "timeline" on the PC Magazine web site (a Ziff-Davis product), taken from the September 23, 1997 print issue, and I don't understand how it can possibly be factual, at least as it concerns development of the PowerPC chip. The highest speed listed is 200 MHz, released in June of this year?! (I guess we should just be happy they even mention the chip, as the Mac isn't truly a "PC," now is it?!)"

Well Kev, what they probably meant to say was that the 200 MHZ PowerPC chip was released to *them* in June. The jokesters from the Mac labs were probably squirreling away the fast boxes in preparation for the coming clone drought. Remember, Ziff-Davis is the same company that handed its only decent product, MacUser, to the goons at IDG (don't believe this "merger" PR nonsense...).

Control-Click THIS!
MacFixIt has been tracking the annoying control-click problem with the new Internet Address Detectors from Apple. Users who installed this extension were annoyed to find that applications which use cntrl-click were being overridden by the IAD. Apple's response, in part:

"Apple advised developers not to use the control key because it was reserved for future use. It is Apple's hope that applications will be revised soon for the Contextual Menu Manager so this Enabler is not necessary. "

In other words, "Screw you, developers, it's your fault." We at Macarazzi applaud Apple's new no-nonsense, tell the truth, no matter how much it hurts PR policy. Good work, Apple!

Join Us, or Die...
Got wild rumors, pointless anecdotes or deep and sensitive poetry to share with us? Then send in your scuttlebutt, and become a member of the elite Macarazzi!

If you become a Macarazzo, you'll be lavished with praise and respect from those around you. We swear.


September 18, 1997
8:32 PM, EST

Jupiter rising in Venus. Love is expected


Hell, Even Radio Shack Sells Phone Taps
Ric Ford of Macintouch had a very interesting phone conversation with Steve Jobs, after a letter he wrote to the Apple co-founder received heated reaction. Well, the Macarazzi were out in full-force, and managed to acquire recorded portions of that phone call. We present here, transcribed, an exclusive piece of that historic exchange (we've censored certain words to keep this place PG-13).

RIC FORD: Hello?
STEVE JOBS: Yes, may I speak to Ric Ford?
FORD: Speaking...
JOBS: Hi Ric, this is Steve Jobs. I'm so glad we've arranged this little chat!
FORD: Good afternoon, Steve. Listen, I have some tough questions for you. First off- oh wait, I got another call...just a sec
JOBS (on hold): ...goddamn needlenose pigf***er...put ME on hold?? Who the HELL does this little flea think he's talking to?? I'm STEVE JOBS, dammit! I'll tear this guy a new a**hole. The nerve of some web "reporter" questioning my decisions-
FORD: Steve? Sorry, that was my mother-in-law
JOBS: Oh, no problem! I'm just glad to be able to speak with my valued customers one on one!
FORD: Ok, enough chit-chat. There are lots of confused people out there who are worried about the future of Apple and the Macintosh.
JOBS: Yes, well I'm happy to answer any of your questions and help-oh, wait, my global positioning neural fax/data link is kicking in; must be a message from Gates...hang on a minute.
FORD (on hold): Oh, golly this is neat! I get to talk to THE Steve Jobs! Now I'll get some respect! I wonder if he can get me a position at Apple? Oh jeepers, an autograph would be honor enough! Garsh I love the way he dresses! He's so-
JOBS: Sorry Ric, if pains me to keep a loyal customer on hold!
FORD: Save it for the stock-holders, garage-boy! Let's get to it. Given the current state of cloning...

Macworld Expo, Manhattan Style!
According the the Boston Globe, the infamous August Macworld Expo, held in Boston for the past 13 years, will be relocated to New York City's Javits Center in July, 1998.

Supposedly this move is due to the Mac's stress on "the creative arts" and other logistical problems. However, Boston Chamber of Commerce insiders have leaked to us that this move has more to due with certain union kickbacks, and the fact that the Javits Center is right on the water, which makes for easier dumping of bodies.

If "The Medium is the Message," then We're All Screwed...
After only one day on the air, reaction to Macarazzi has been enormous. We offer you here a sample letter from an average reader. You have been warned.

Subject: I'm deeply offended
Date: 09/18 3:19 PM
From: N.Daniels

I just wanted to let you bastards know that I am deeply offended with the content of your Macarazzi site. Putting the all-important OrgyLine post below the meaningless Year 2000 Problem (meaningless because we are all migrating to 8086 chips anyways) deeply disturbs me. It shows that you have an underdeveloped sense of priorities, and are obviously a social and intellectual midget with the IQ of a fencepost. I think you should go back to your dumb Swedish horse-raping web page and bang your dala in private.

Also, just think how dangerous that OrgyLine product could be? It's fine for Mac users, but what if you had a General Protection Fault in the middle of an orgy on a Windows machine? What if there were an IRQ conflict because two people aimed for the same hole? I think it is irresponsible journalism to post such possibly dangerous information, and you sound like someone who would dress up like a fireman and smoke crack while having sex on my dad's bed with someone I don't even know.


September 17, 1997
8:42 PM, EST

Partly cloudy, with chance of showers.


Welcome to Macarazzi, from the creators of VäporOS!

If you're looking for up to the minute facts, rumors and news about the Apple and Macintosh, then you've come to the wrong place!

Got ludicrous rumors to pass along? Then send them to our Scuttlebutt editor!
Or maybe you just have a few choice words, or perhaps a rumor-site boycott to initiate? The pass those thoughts to our Feedback guy.

Now, on to today's news....

Problem? What problem?
According to vaguely identified industry experts, production of all PowerPC chips will cease at the end of calendar year 1999. Insiders jokingly refer to this as the "Year 2000 problem". We hope to have more details on this matter in the near future.

Hotline Commits
Sources have informed us that the creators of Hotline, the ultra-cool Mac/PC internet chat/news/file thingie, are in secret development of a new product code-named "Orgyline", a new paradigm in internet chat which, as details have revealed to us, will revolutionize the way we interact with our ADB ports. We hope to have exclusive screen shots of this exciting new product soon.

Netscape Navigator Release...Again
Netscape, due to overwhelming public outcry, has quietly posted yet another update to their stand-alone Navigator client, bringing the version to This release includes the following fixes/features:

  • Typing in an url in the location window now takes you to that address, rather than erasing your hard drive.
  • The Installer will now determine if you already have Internet Config on your hard drive before installing 40 more copies of it.
  • For increased stability, the Java preference buttons and check boxes no longer actually do anything.

Rhapsody in View
According to MacOSRumors, Rhapsody will be supporting the PowerMac 8500 and 9500. Macarrazi has further learned that Rhapsody will also likely be compiled to run on the Sinclair ZX-81, Commodore 64 and Atari 800. Apple technicians state, however, they can find no feasible way of getting Rhapsody to work on UMAX clones.

And Don't Let the Door Hit you on the Ass!
As most everyone knows by now, Apple Vice President Guerrino De Luca has handed "who-are-we-kidding-he-was-gonna-do-it-all-along" CEO Steve Jobs his resignation letter. The question burning on the lips across the net today is...who the *hell* is Guerrino De Luca?

