__Who am I?__
This is the personal web site of Steve Weintraub. My professional history can be found in painfully abbreviated form in my [resume](/professional/3), so I won’t address that here (except to add that my current employer is one *B. D. Weintraub*. He’s a tough boss, but the benefits and bonuses are amazing).
I grew up in the leafy bosom of Maplewood, New Jersey during the 70’s. Needless to say, life was all about trick-or-treating after dark without parental supervision, *Mad Magazine*, paying for candy with a sack of pennies and *Star Wars*.
More fantastic bio to come!
__Why *Dalahüs*?__
Years ago, I needed imagery for a website I was creating. The first thing I did was make up the name, *VäporOS*, sticking an umlaut over the “a” to make it look slightly foreign and tech-nerdy. I decided the logo looked Swedish, and thus it was pronounced “Vapor” rhyming with “whopper”. Having determined the faux-company’s nationality, I needed to pepper the site with Swedish-related imagery. ????? ??? ???? And that’s when I discovered the Dala horse. ???? like ?????
Searching the web, I came across an image of a Dala horse, the “unofficial symbol of Sweden,” and instantly made it the mascot of VäporOS. I also designed a small 16×16 pixel icon version (named *Färgen*), which lives today as you see him all over this site. ??? ???? ???? When I decided to create a personal domain, I wanted to continue the dala theme, so came up with the grammatically questionable *Dalahüs*, meaning *House of the Dala*. By the way, it rhymes with “noose”, not “bus”. Tell your friends.
*Website Engine*: WordPress
*Photo Gallery Engine*: Coppermine
*Type*: Myriad Pro, Silkscreen
*Masthead Photography*: Steve Weintraub
*Notes*: I have attempted to make a clean, simple, easy to read layout. The major elements are precise and nonsense-free in composition and the grey color palate is easy on the eyes, providing a neutral backdrop for the photography. The only other color used is a deep red for links, picked up from the Dala Horse logo.