Will Code for Diapers!
The link in the Navigation bar formerly known as *Resume* is now called [*Professional*](/professional). This is the beginning of an expansion plan to include visual examples of my work, along with whatever else might be suitable for prospective clients. I’ve also added it to the main navigation in the masthead. ????? ???? It’s a work…
Fargen Around the World
On my first trip to France, in the late winter of 2001, I had the supposedly clever idea of bringing along one of my little wooden Dala horses (they’re all named [*Fargen*](/re-dalahus)), and taking pictures of it at and about the various landmarks of Paris and vicinity. The result would be a cheeky travelogue from…
A Minor Rant on “Loonatics”
I’ve been giving this whole [Loonatics](http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05048/458932.stm) thing some thought (which is probably exactly what Warner Bros. [wants](http://news.toonzone.net/article.php?ID=2312), damn them). A lot has been written lately trashing this “re-imagining” of the Looney Tunes characters, but not much on what *should* be done. Well, I’m here to make a few suggestions. But first, some bile.
The Dead File Archives (pt. 2)
In 1990 I was partner in a graphic design venture, *The Windedale Design Company.* Displaying an early penchant for absurdity that would lead to such diversions as [VäporOS](/the-graveyard/), I created a faux history of the business with a fictitious founder, one Jacobus Q. Winedale. The following is a biography I drafted intended (but thankfully never…